>-----Original Message-----
>From: Suresh Krishnan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>* section 2.5.4 last paragraph
>       It mentions that the global routing prefix is assigned 
>to a "site" 
>which is fuzzy. Is it possible to make it clearer? Similarly I 
>would think 
>of a link to be some layer2 connection not necessarily comprising a 
(Actually it's the first paragraph of 2.5.4.)

The document should refer to the "link" definition in [ipv6] as it does for
"interface" (see 2.0).  This should happen at or before the first reference
to "link," which is at the end of 2.1:

   Currently IPv6 continues the IPv4 model that a subnet prefix is
   associated with one link.  Multiple subnet prefixes may be assigned
   to the same link.


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