----- Original Message -----
From: "Bound, Jim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

One point I would like to make in regards to this item:

> 3.  Were the needs of the market considered in the decision?  I don't
> think by all but do we ever use this bar?  As I said to you once when
> you were on the IESG consistency is imperative.  The market is
> reprsented by our participants.  If participants are not here to support
> the IETF they do not get heard.  We have no way to trust one or a few to
> represent an entire market other than present their individual view.
> That may or may not influence the WG, it depends on the respect the
> individual has with their peers I guess?

Setting aside personal opinion on this topic, I think that the WG vote
process of the mailing list should have a much stronger deciding factor in
making this type of decisions than the meetings. Not to understate the value
of the meetings, but as they are spread over quite a geographic area, and
many of us are not funded to attend too many of this type of event
(especially those of us in industry).

I would like to suggest a more standard voting is worked out. Possibly using
a log of e-mail addresses (I know this does away with secret votes, but
keeps them honest) and check off buttons. There are many sites that offer
free voting (the ISOC uses them).

Just my opinion,

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