On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 07:49:04AM -0700, Michel Py wrote:
> > Tim Chown wrote:
> > But if I want a VoIP communication from me (behind a NAT) to
> > some user behind a NAT, not using a 3rd party "location" server,
> > how does v4 deliver, without the receiving user having the pain
> > of port forwarding configuration on their NAT?
> There are several methods today; uPNP for example. Besides, not using a
> 3rd party location server for VOIP does not make a lot of sense. Looking
> at SIP as an example, yes you can initiate a communication directly to
> the IP address, but it is much more convenient to register with a
> directory that almost everyone will end up doing it anyway, NAT
> traversal or not.

But there is a big difference between using a 3rd party directory, and
passing data through an intermediary. That is, you might very well have
end-to-end connectivity, but use a directory to locate the other


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