On Wednesday 29 October 2003 14:49, Soliman Hesham wrote:
>  > I think this scenario is useful for IPv6 small-devices, so I
>  > don't quite agree
>  > with you all.
>  >
>  > I feel that we are undoing a lot of things and we will end
>  > up with no
>  > autoconfiguration features at all. This might be a good thing
>  > for sysadmins, though.
> => I don't think we're undoing any autoconfig here. This is
> a clarification to avoid other problems without eliminating
> autoconfig.

I quote yourself on a previous mail on this thread:

"The problems of this assumption are discussed in section 3
of Alain's draft. The draft suggests that this assumption
should be removed from ND specs. Here is the suggestion:
[snipped but it's read as..."remove" and "remove"...]
This seems like a reasonable suggestion, any objections?"

As I've already said, I think that on-link communications might
be a useful thing to have.

>  > If I understand the onlinkassumption draft well, the main drawback
>  > of sending packets on-link is that some malicious party would
>  > be able to grab those packets.
> => IMHO, that was not the main issue. I saw bigger
> issues in that draft. I thought the biggest two were:
> - impacts on address selection (section 3.1)

So let's go to fix address selection instead of removing
a nice feature.

> - Address resolution delays (section 3.2)

I think that this problem doesn't deserve removing automated 
on-link communications. I realise that this issue implies that
we are penalizing the well-configured IPv4 network.
This is better than forbiding IPv6 on-link communications and 
moreover you might have similar delay penalties even with an IPv6
default router, if there's some black-hole on the routing system...


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