 > I quote yourself on a previous mail on this thread:
 > "The problems of this assumption are discussed in section 3
 > of Alain's draft. The draft suggests that this assumption
 > should be removed from ND specs. Here is the suggestion:
 > [snipped but it's read as..."remove" and "remove"...]
 > This seems like a reasonable suggestion, any objections?"
 > As I've already said, I think that on-link communications might
 > be a useful thing to have.

=> Please specify a scenario that would not work
if we remove this statement.

The only one I know that wouuld not work is the one
I mentioned earlier: one link, _no_ default router
and different hosts are _manually_ configured with different 
prefixes. If you want that to work then configure
the hosts with the same prefix. That way they all
know that they're on the same link. If you know
of something else that would break by removing this
statement please describe it.


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