On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Juan Rodriguez Hervella wrote:
> Ooops, forget the oven :-), just think as if the fridge was shipped
> with an Ipv6 address prefix and the scheduler was shipped with
> another IPv6 prefix :)

The whole point of IPv6 (and also IP) is that machines aren't shipped with
invented addresses, and you're supposed to make them automatically
communicate.  Or, in the case of IPv6, the invented address is their 
link-local address and they can autoconfigure another address.  All of 
these are from the same prefix between all the nodes on a link.

This is just so incredibly bad idea it doesn't even bear thinking about.  
But if one want to enable it manually, you can always point a default 
route in your Ethernet interface.

More on the related subject from:

   Embedding Globally Routable Internet Addresses Considered Harmful

   Vendors of consumer electronics and network gear have produced and
   sold hundreds of thousands of Internet hosts with globally routable
   Internet Protocol addresses embedded within their products' firmware.
   These products are now in operation world-wide and primarily include,
   but are not necessarily limited to, low-cost routers and middleboxes
   for personal or residential use.
   This "hard-coding" of globally routable IP addresses within the
   host's firmware presents significant problems to the operation of the
   Internet and to the management of its address space.
   This document means to clarify best current practices in the Internet
   community.  It denouces the practice of embedding references to
   unique, globally routable IP addresses in Internet hosts, describes
   some of the resulting problems, and considers selected alternatives.
   It is also intended to remind the Internet community of the ephemeral
   nature of unique, globally routable IP addresses and that the
   assignment and use of such addresses is temporary and therefore
   should not be used in fixed configurations.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

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