> Host nodes should not be doing this?  We did not put this in 
 > ND for very
 > good reason. We want to reduce what Hosts no about prefixes 
 > and leave to
 > the stateless and stateful. Why do we want to put this into 
 > HOsts.  What
 > is the reason.  That is not below.

=> I should have described the scenario a bit better. 
This is a case where hosts need to know whether they have
changed links or not. The only way we know that today is 
through the contents of the RA. Hosts today use the prefixes 
advertised (or not) as an input to the movement detection algorithm
amongst other things. There are different flavours of movement
detection depending on how conservative an implementor wants 
to be. But in all those flavours, the prefix option (or absence
of) may well trigger the algorithm. 

I don't have a strong opinion on whether this should go into
2461bis or not. But I do think that there is a problem. Another
consideration is how _real_ this problem is. Does anyone know of 
a router implementation that sometimes does not advertise 
all options to save BW ? 

 > What problem is this addition trying to fix or solve?  
 > I have read the draft below and believe the core issue is resolved.
 > What prefixes are supplied is in the system not the host or 
 > why not just
 > use DHCPv6?  

=> DHCPv6 can be used, but in order to trigger DHCPv6 a host
needs to know that it has changed links. Otherwise it will
be triggered unnecessarily. 

   I think we cannot and must not overrule the essential
 > meaning of the A and M bits.

=> Agreed. We won't do that.

 > In fact I suggest in additon to each member of this list a problem
 > statement be stated for each change to 2461.

=> I'll try to cover that briefly in a "background" section
when I send a suggestion to resolve an issue.


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