Alain Durand wrote:
> On Nov 3, 2003, at 5:12 PM, Christian Huitema wrote:
> > In the case in point, there is a significant constituency who believes
> > that they need a replacement for site local addresses, and that
> > "draft-hinden" is a reasonable way to obtain this replacement. You are
> > indeed free to not use such addresses and never deploy them within the
> > networks that you manage, but that does not change the needs of others.
> In principle, I would almost agree with this statement, with one caveat:
> "... as long as it does not break anything in the global Internet for
> people that do not use this proposal"
> As I explain in a previous message, this last property is not verified
> by the hinden/haberman draft, as when those addresses leak,
> they would create untraceable problems, very similar to the one
> caused by RFC1918 leaks today.

Q: Who is to blame and likely to be a victim?

A: any ISP without ingress filtering.

To misquote Pekka, why exactly should we care if ISP X's operations 
break because it fails to implement ingress filtering?


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