Tim Chown wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 10:03:44AM +0200, EricLKlein wrote:
> >
> > The list of IPv6 plus NAT is over 140 documents long, with many of them
> > being proposed in the last 5 days. The look up list I ran is:
> >
> >
> > t=builtin-long&sort=time&words=%2Bnat+%2BIPv6
> So I google for "green cow" and get a million hits... but there are very
> few green cows out there...
> People will use IPv6 with NAT, but then they may as well stick with

This may be true, but no one is proposing green cow become an IETF standard.
The list I provided is recently proposed IETF drafts on when and how to use
NAT with IPv6.

If there are this many new drafts coming out in November 2003, even with a
WG decision to not do NAT IPv6 then there should be a big red flag that
there is a disconnect between what this WG says and what others are doing.


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