At 06:57 PM 12/1/03 -0800, Wes Hardaker wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 01 Dec 2003 16:04:26 -0800, "Shawn  A. Routhier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>>> said:
>>>> 1) The description field for the ipAddressEntry object is simply
>>>> ridiculously short:
>>>> "inet addr entry"
>Shawn> As the editor I thought the description for the table object
>Shawn> (ipAddressTable) covered the entry object as well and therefore
>Shawn> repeating the same text would not be useful. Do you think there
>Shawn> is something else that should be added to the description of
>Shawn> the entry that isn't in the description of the table?
>"Internet address entry" would have been better.  As is, it just
>appears as if the author was in a huge hurry.  Have about: "An address
>mapping for a particular interface."?
>>>> 2) Was there every discussion about making this table writable?
>>> I don't recall this specific topic being discussed.
>Shawn> As with Brian I don't recall this specific topic being
>Shawn> discussed.
>Well, then my next question would then be: Is it too late to do this?

I suppose that's up to the chairs and the WG.  The document has finished
WG last call, I don't know if these changes would require a new last call
or not.

>It would basically just mean:
>1) making ipAddressIfIndex, ipAddressType, & ipAddressPrefix
>   MAX-ACCESS clauses read "read-create".
>2) Adding a new column: "ipAddressRowStatus" of type RowStatus.
>3) Maybe changing the conformance statements to allow the
>   optionality of the writable aspect of it.

I think there's a little more - as Juergen pointed out there is the
storage type.  There may also need to be more text about default values
(or the lack of them) when creating a row as well as the required fields
for creating a row.

>Wes Hardaker

Shawn A. Routhier
Wind River Networks Business Unit
510 749 2095 office 
510 749 2560 fax

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