If Timer-based or Bandwidth-based function is chosen because of
       the simplicity of implementation, proper care must be taken in
       choosing the value of T or F.  Values of T that are higher than
       20-30 might break traceroute. A global value of F per node might
       not be appropriate for all the links attached to the node.

Small change suggestion for the second sentence of the above paragraph:

  Values of T that are higher than 20-30 might break legitimate
  functionality that requires timely delivery of ICMPv6 error
  messages (e.g., traceroute), while smaller values might cause
  saturation of slow links.

I'm also not entirely sure about your cautions regarding "a global
value of F per node"; the text of f.2 says: "limiting the rate at which
error messages are sent from a particular interface to some fraction
F of the attached link's bandwidth" - it doesn't say anything about
a global value of F for the node.

Thanks - Fred

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