I think Pekka's rephrasing is good.  (I would remove the word "additional.")
-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Templin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 8:00 AM
To: Pekka Savola; Sellers, Julian P
Subject: Re: ICMPv6 Rate Limiting Methods: Revised Text (2)

Pekka Savola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Let's rephrase this then, e.g:
>         One good way to implement the rate-limiting function is a token
>         bucket, limiting the average rate of transmission to N, where N
>         can either be packets/second or a fraction of the attached
>         link's bandwidth, but allowing up to B additional error
>         messages to be transmitted in a burst, as long as a long-term
>        average is not exceeded.
I didn't mind the "back-to-back" text, but am fine with what
you are proposing here. I must admit that I tried wordsmithing
the text a bit, but could not find a combination that clearly
improved readability.
Fred L. Templin

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