On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 07:34:58AM -0800, C. M. Heard wrote:

> It seems to me that an easy fix for this problem would be to alter
> the text to exclude the zone index from the comparison.  Here is
> my suggestion:
>             The values for the index objects inetCidrRouteDest and
>             inetCidrRoutePfxLen must be consistent.  When the value
>             of inetCidrRouteDest (excluding the zone index, if one
>             is present) is x, then the bitwise logical-AND
>             of x with the value of the mask formed from the
>             corresponding index object inetCidrRoutePfxLen MUST be
>             equal to x.  If not, then the index pair is not
>             consistent and an inconsistentName error must be
>             returned on SET or CREATE requests.

This text is clearly an improvement over what has been there before.


Juergen Schoenwaelder               International University Bremen
<http://www.eecs.iu-bremen.de/>     P.O. Box 750 561, 28725 Bremen, Germany

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