Is it only I that find it odd that talking about Multicast DNS
is viewed to be in-scope for this document, while talking about the
applicability issues for the addresses *defined by this document*
is stated to be out of scope??


> >    For future study names with Local IPv6 addresses may be resolved
> >    inside of the site using dynamic naming systems such as Multicast
> >    DNS.
> >
> >==> this seems irrelevant and should be removed; above, it already
> >states someting general about local naming systems.
> I don't see it doing any harm either.

> >==> Add to disadvantages:
> >
> >    - Instead of using global unicast addresses inside the sites, the
> >      sites may be tempted to start using Local IPv6 addresses excessively,
> >      instead of using global unicast addresses and reachability restrictions
> >      such as firewalls or access control lists
> I think this is out of scope for this document.

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