>Dear ADs, consider this mail as my second step in the appeal chain.
>Specifically, the part I object to are:
>- under the FD00::/8 prefix (Locally assigned):
>    using the 'all zero' pattern instead of random bits would have the 
>exact same effect
>   as using the 'site local' address: it would create ambiguous 
>addresses. The ipv6
>   wg spend over a year deprecating 'site local' addresses for that 
>reason. It is the duty
>  of this wg to document that using that particular pattern can be 
>-under the FC00::/8 prefix (Centrally assigned:)
>   the document says that:
>"   The requirements for centrally assigned global ID allocations are:
>       - Available to anyone in an unbiased manner.
>       - Permanent with no periodic fees.
>       - Allocation on a permanent basis, without any need for renewal
>         and without any procedure for de-allocation."

        i support Alain 100%.


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