JINMEI Tatuya wrote:

Thanks for the pointer, I've read the draft.  Unfortunately, it only
covers the delay for the first RS, and not others (e.g., the delay at
routers before responding to RSs).  I respect the effort of you guys,
but I'd rather want to see a comprehensive scenario before introducing
additional mechanism to solve a part of the entire issues.

Overall handover delay consists of, among other factors, link layer search and attachment times, access authentication and access link security setup, router discovery, address assignment and duplicate testing, and mobility signaling.

Most or maybe even all of these aspects are being worked by different
groups. For instance,

- Link layer search and attachment times are being improved in
  IEEE, to give one example.

- Significant efforts are being put in IEEE and elsewhere
  to reduce the time needed to perform access authentication
  and set up link layer security. For instance, pre-authentication
  and fast handoff mechanisms are discussed and specified in 802.11.

- As Greg already mentioned, there is ongoing work in DNA WG to
  improve the RS situation. This relates to the movement detection
  delays. Is the work finished? I don't know, but is that required?

- We have optimistic DAD which is addressing the DAD delay.

- We have mobility optimisations such as HMIP in MIPSHOP WG (and bunch
  of others in research stage) that address delays caused by mobility

Does this count as a "comprehensive scenario" you were looking


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