>>>>> On Sun, 29 Feb 2004 18:24:33 -0800 (PST), 
>>>>> Erik Nordmark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> It would be good to ask (e.g. on the appsarea list - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I think) if there are applications that need other configuration information
> than the list of interfaces/ifindicies (which we already have) and
> a list of all IP address (which is what you are proposing).

Fair enough, but let me make a quick check: is this a direct response
to my request for a slot (positive or negative), or just a general
input on this issue itself?

> Is that all we need to add to avoid having applications use SIOCGIF
> ioctls?

Perhaps this is included in "IP address", but the prefix lengths/net
masks of addresses will also be needed (I know applications that need
this information).  getifaddrs(3) can provide it.

FYI: currently getifaddrs(3) provides the following information:

         char             *ifa_name;         /* Interface name */
         u_int             ifa_flags;        /* Interface flags */
         struct sockaddr  *ifa_addr;         /* Interface address */
         struct sockaddr  *ifa_netmask;      /* Interface netmask */
         struct sockaddr  *ifa_broadaddr;    /* Interface broadcast address */
         struct sockaddr  *ifa_dstaddr;      /* P2P interface destination */
         void             *ifa_data;         /* Address specific data */

     The ifa_data field references address family specific data.  For AF_LINK
     addresses it contains a pointer to the struct if_data (as defined in
     include file <net/if.h>) which contains various interface attributes and
     statistics.  For all other address families, it contains a pointer to the
     struct ifa_data (as defined in include file <net/if.h>) which contains
     per-address interface statistics.

                                        JINMEI, Tatuya
                                        Communication Platform Lab.
                                        Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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