Jarno, this is exactly why the fixed charge is suggested - to make
the cost of bulk hoarding significant. 

And no, I don't want to imagine such a bug - I have more confidence than
that in IANA and the organisations IANA delegates to.


> Thomas Narten wrote:
> > why we can't make such assignments permanent. (Note: I'd agree with
> > you that the assignments shouldn't be permanent if there was a case to
> > be made that it may become necessary to reclaim them at some future
> > time. Is there?)
> >
> What if someone manages to hoard the address space and then starts to sell them? 
> Assume a bug in the system managing the allocations and someone exploiting it and 
> getting 1/2 of the whole address space that they now "own" for good.
> Maybe there should be a notion of reclaiming prefixes that should not have been 
> allocated in the first place?
> Regards,
>         Jarno
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Brian E Carpenter 
Distinguished Engineer, Internet Standards & Technology, IBM

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