Soliman Hesham wrote:

=> There are many different reasons. I sent a verly long email about this to nemo (monet back then). One simple scenario is that you might be walking around with a PAN
that happens to have 2 MRs on a single link (e.g. a laptop
and a mobile phone). The two MRs could share the same ingress
link and have different egress links. For instance your laptop
might have a WLAN card and your mobile might have a cellular
interface. Once you walk into an airport lounge or starbucks
you'll suddenly have a multihomed PAN. By definition, each MR
must have a separate home prefix. So each will advertise a different prefix on the ingress side. Other uses my include redundancy (e.g. a train company providing
WLAN access on the train). In this case two MRs may be used
and they have to advertise different home prefixes.

The scenarios seem valid. Note that from the hosts' perspective the same scenarios will have an ingress filtering issue whether or not NEMO is being used to provide session continuity and stable addressing. But we knew that this is an issue even without NEMO.


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