In her review of "draft-ietf-ipv6-unique-local-addr-03.txt", Margaret
raises an excellent point:
> (1) This draft doesn't mention the reverse DNS tree.  Is it expected
>      whatever registry assigns these values will also populate the
>      DNS tree?  Or not?

The registration process could conceivably populate the reverse DNS
tree, but that would only be a partial solution: the draft also defines
random prefixes that don't need to be registered. Also, there is no
requirement that the networks numbered with these unique local addresses
be accessible to DNS resolvers on the Internet.

We may however want some kind of "theory of operation". When a network
is numbered using unique local addresses, hosts in that network will
want to resolve addresses to names. There are 2 possible solutions:

1) Add specific knowledge of this reverse tree to the DNS servers in the
unique-local-addressed site,

2) Perform reverse name resolution by asking the host itself, sending
either a host information query or an LLMNR PTR request to the IPv6
address being resolved.

The first solution is similar to the "dual face DNS" deployments common
in organization networks, and should probably be the normal case. It
does not require registration in the tree. It does however
require some coordination between DNS servers of unique-local-addressed
sites when these sites establish a back-door connection. This
coordination could be facilitated if we used a conventional host
identifier for "the DNS server within a uniquely addressed site".

We generally shied away from the second solution, and generally from
using the host identification query to provide reverse mappings. Using
LLMNR does make sense when LLMNR is also used as the primary name
resolution service within the unique-local-addressed site.

-- Christian Huitema

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