Thus spake "Christian Huitema" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In her review of "draft-ietf-ipv6-unique-local-addr-03.txt", Margaret
> raises an excellent point:
> > (1) This draft doesn't mention the reverse DNS tree.  Is it expected
> >       that whatever registry assigns these values will also populate the
> >       reverse DNS tree?  Or not?
> The registration process could conceivably populate the reverse DNS
> tree, but that would only be a partial solution: the draft also defines
> random prefixes that don't need to be registered. Also, there is no
> requirement that the networks numbered with these unique local addresses
> be accessible to DNS resolvers on the Internet.

At a minimum, being present in the global DNS should be at the option of the
allocatee.  Until a viable solution is found for non-registered prefixes,
this might be given as an advantage of using a registered prefix.

While I don't think it's particularly elegant, it might work to designate a
"well known" anycast DNS server address within each local prefix.  This
wouldn't require any registration in the global DNS for any type of local

> We may however want some kind of "theory of operation". When a network
> is numbered using unique local addresses, hosts in that network will
> want to resolve addresses to names. There are 2 possible solutions:
> 1) Add specific knowledge of this reverse tree to the DNS servers in the
> unique-local-addressed site,

While this should be sufficient for isolated sites, this doesn't scale when
multiple sites interconnect (privately) using local addresses.  Presence in
the global DNS (if desired) or a well-known anycast removes the need for
special local configuration.

> 2) Perform reverse name resolution by asking the host itself, sending
> either a host information query or an LLMNR PTR request to the IPv6
> address being resolved.

I don't know anything about LLMNR and so can't comment if this is workable.


Stephen Sprunk        "Stupid people surround themselves with smart
CCIE #3723           people.  Smart people surround themselves with
K5SSS         smart people who disagree with them."  --Aaron Sorkin

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