At 12:09 PM 3/29/2004 -0800, Erik Nordmark wrote:
> The problem is that with the same trouble it takes to fully delegate a
> /64, the ISP could do a /48 as well.  That is a good thing also, of
> course.  My worry is that the ISPs end up doing nothing unless they
> have simple enough means available.

I know that there are service providers in Japan that plan to use DHCP PD to provide /48 prefixes to customers. Therefore, DHCP PD is apparently "simple enough" that some ISPs do not consider it a barrier to deployment.

Do we have any examples of ISPs that have reviewed DHCP PD
and rejected it as not simple enough?

My worry is that ISPs would end up doing nothing because of the existance
of nd proxy.
Hence I conclude we should make prefix delegation work and make the
implementations of it as easy as possible to use.
Then the ISP can decide whether to delegate nothing (and customer gets
a single address) or delegate /64, /48.

I agree that we should continue to work on improving prefix delegation (if, indeed., it needs improvement).

> I mean, the message could also be "just give every customer a
> delegated /48.  If that is not possible, advertising a /64 on the link
> is better than nothing."

Yes, but that requires a non-robust against loops nd-proxy complexity
to be added to the architecture.
In the big picture this is a distraction and not a help.


I agree here, as well ... we have a solution that works, has been accepted as a standard and is being deployed.

- Ralph

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