
With the current advent of sudden rise of MD5'd BGP requests due to
something not be undisclosed apparently I was looking at what routers
support this for IPv6 and apparently at least both Cisco and Juniper
can do this. 

But what draft/rfc/doc/... are they using?

In IPv6 we have this nice thing called extension headers.
If the RFC2385 scheme would be implemented on IPv6 I would
expect it to be a Destination Option.

In IPv4 it looks like:

no-md5: [ipv4 + tcp + data]
md5'ed: [ipv4 + tcp + md5hash + data]

Thus the 16 byte hash is stuck in the data part.
If a unsuspecting host gets this packet it expects
data in the portion where the hash now is in place.
For BGP this is not much of a problem, but it isn't
very applicable to other protocols.

In IPv6 we have the Destination Option where we could
stick the md5hash:

no-md5: [ipv6 + tcp + data]
md5'ed: [ipv6 + dstop-md5hash + tcp + data]

This would even allow one to configure a host to do:
 - when there has never been a md5hash, don't use it
 - if we've once seen a md5hash use it.

Allowing BGP sessions to be reconfigured on the fly
even out of sync of eachother as long as they use the
same passwords of course.

Is such a scheme documented somewhere, is this in use
or should we just play dirty and stick the md5hash in
front of the data section and let the host fight it out.


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Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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