I agree with Jim, section 5.5.2 should be deleted. Let implementations decide
what to do if there is no router.
If you decide to keep 5.5.2, you will need to add some text to analyze
the performance impact of doing DHCPv6 when there is no IPv6 at all.

- Alain.

On Apr 17, 2004, at 9:11 PM, Bound, Jim wrote:

My view is as follows and was going to wait till last call but will give it
to you now. The "entire" 5.5.2 section is below of 2462.

5.5.2.  Absence of Router Advertisements

If a link has no routers, a host MUST attempt to use stateful
autoconfiguration to obtain addresses and other configuration
information. An implementation MAY provide a way to disable the
invocation of stateful autoconfiguration in this case, but the
default SHOULD be enabled. From the perspective of
autoconfiguration, a link has no routers if no Router Advertisements
are received after having sent a small number of Router Solicitations
as described in [DISCOVERY].

This section in 2462 should be deleted. It is not necessary. 2462 only
applies or should only apply if there are routers on the network.

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