> (Note: In this message, I'm basically speaking just as an individual
> in this list.  I'll propose an action as a 2462bis editor after the
> entire discussion; it may or may not be same as what I'm going to say
> below)
I think your approach to look at the two sides of the medal is very
useful, but I don't find either argument (pro & con) very convincing at
this particular point of time.

However, what I can clearly read from the discussion is that the
definition of the use / function of the M/O bits needs an update.
Including a reference to existing protocols would be useful to explain
the use of the flags, for example.

I would like to remind you that for example many DHCPv6 implementations
are quite young and still need to evolve in terms of functionality (that
includes the use of M/O bits). It would be great if we could postpone
the discussion to a later time when we can actually see if those
implementation can make use of the M/O bits in a way that makes sense.
As the development of the implementation progresses, I'm sure that the
number of scenarios where M/O bits are useful will increase.

Baseline is, it would be good to postpone the deprecation discussion and
at the same time update the definition of the use of the M/O bits. I can
think of scenarios where M/O is useful but the mental picture of these
is not clear enough yet to really make a point. Deciding upon
deprecation or not would be premature at this point of time, IMHO.

JOIN - IP Version 6 in the WiN  Christian Strauf
A DFN project                   Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
http://www.join.uni-muenster.de Zentrum für Informationsverarbeitung
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