>>>>> On Mon, 24 May 2004 14:15:19 +0200, 
>>>>> "Christian Strauf (JOIN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>> 11. revise Section 5.5.2 as follows:
>> Even if a link has no routers, stateful autoconfiguration to obtain
>> addresses and other configuration information may still be
>> available, and hosts may want to use the mechanism.  From the
>> perspective of autoconfiguration, a link has no routers if no
>> Router Advertisements are received after having sent a small number
>> of Router Solicitations as described in RFC 2461 [5].

> Since there was a question regarding DHCPv6 and default router
> information options on the DHC-WG's mailing list, one short question to
> clarify the meaning of this paragraph: would you say that "routers have
> to send RAs if they forward packages" is a valid interpretation of this
> paragraph? Thanks in advance for clarifying this.

I'm not sure if we need to take a particular action for this in
rfc2462bis, but you may want to add a note like this in Section 5.5.2:

  Note that it is possible that there is no router on the link in this
  sense but is a node that has the ability to forward packets.  In
  this case, hosts must be manually configured about the forwarding
  node's address to be able to send packets off-link, since sending
  router advertisements is the only mechanism to configure the default
  router's address automatically.

We might add a further notice on the suggested configuration:

  Thus, a node that has the ability of forwarding should be configured
  to send router advertisements unless there is a strong reason to not
  do so.

Though I personally think the last sentence is too much in the scope
of rfc2462bis.  But I can live with either

1. do nothing on this in rfc2462bis,
2. add the above note without the "further" notice, or
3. add the above note with the "further" notice

Are you happy with the clarification (with or without the "further"
notice")?  What do others think?

                                        JINMEI, Tatuya
                                        Communication Platform Lab.
                                        Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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