>>>>> On Thu, 27 May 2004 08:50:45 +0200, 
>>>>> "Christian Strauf (JOIN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>> Besides, this part of the specification seems a bit too specific about
>> stateful autoconfiguration, considering we are now going to separate
>> particular behavior on the stateful configuration part from
>> rfc2462bis.
> I understand what you mean, but we should make clear that all forms of
> autoconfigured addresses can be influenced by RAs. Maybe it would make
> sense to reword the section from

>       ... of an autoconfigured address (i.e., one obtained via
>       stateless or stateful address autoconfiguration) in the list of
>       addresses...

> to

>       ... of all autoconfigured addresses in the list of addresses...

> Do you think this wording would work while not being too specific?

Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm afraid the text you proposed will
simply make the specification unnecessarily ambiguous.

I'd like to repeat my points, which are:

1. I personally do not think it makes sense to update the lifetimes of
   statefully configured address by RAs.
2. as a separate issue, I think it's beyond the scope of rfc2462bis to
   describe specific details on this.

The proposed text of mine intended to resolve both the points, but
mainly focusing on the second point.  Even if we disagree on the first
point, the proposed text can still hold.

So, I personally still prefer the text I proposed.  But if we still
cannot agree on it, the following might be an alternative as a

        ... of an autoconfigured address (including one obtained via
        stateless address autoconfiguration) in the list of addresses...
Which one can you live with?

1. the original proposed text of mine
2. the new proposed text of mine
3. the text you proposed

I can live with 1 and 2, but prefer 1 to 2.  I might live with 3,
particularly if others want this option, but would like to avoid it as
explained above.

                                        JINMEI, Tatuya
                                        Communication Platform Lab.
                                        Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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