Thank you Tony and Christian for your answers.

In my question, I missed the point that the ISP and CPE are in different domain,
so the distribution of the /48 to the CPE is supposed to follow a different policy
than how the /64 are distributed.
And having 2 levels of DHCPv6 PD servers is scalable.

Yes, of course A and B are DHCPv6 clients, and the CPE (in my initial question) was supposed to be a working DHCP relay.

I have other questions based on the same (theorical) network:

            ISP (ISP DHCPv6 PD server, gives /48 to the CPE)
            CPE  (Customer DHCPv6 PD server, gives /64 prefixes)
            / \
           /   \
          |    |

How many /64 prefixes A and B are supposed to request (to the CPE), and for what usage ? Only for connectivity with the CPE ?

Does the link between A and B have any sense
or are A and B part of different clients / organisations ?

Is there any (private?) network connected to A and B ?

=> In others words, what kind of networks/links are supposed to be connected this CPE when using DHCPv6 PD ?

And now the CPE is a DHCPv6 PD server, it should be able to delegate not only /64 prefixes, right ?



Tony Hain wrote:

You are asking a question which mixes technology with policy. The simple
answer to your question is YES. The complex answer is a function of the
policy at the ISP DHCP server. Will it accept requests from A & B? Are you
expecting the set of /64's allocated to A & B to be contained within the /48
at the CPE? If so what mechanism enforces that at the DHCP server? (IE: how
does the DHCP server associate A or B with the CPE?)

What is the point of such a broken deployment model? If the expectation is
to allocate a /48 to the CPE using DHCP-PD (which it should be), then put a
DHCP server in the CPE and have it delegate /64's from that space. This
ensures that A & B get their space from the appropriate point in the
hierarchy, as well as distributes the load. Consider that it will not be
long before A & B have expanded to ~10^3 devices behind that CPE, multiple
the number of CPE by that and figure out how to scale the authentication &
association logic for a central DHCP server to ensure everything works as
expected. Then reconsider the simplicity of distributing that function to
the CPE.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 7:12 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Ralph Droms
Subject: question about DHCPv6 prefix delegation

Hi All,

I have a question about DHCPv6 prefix delegation (RFC 3633).

Given the following network:

ISP (Location of DHCPv6 server) | | CPE /48 / \ / \ ---B----A--- | |

Is it possible to configure the DHCP server to allocate : - a /48 prefix to the CPE node - and several /64 prefixes to the nodes A and B ?

Thank you for any help,



Laurent Clévy
Alcatel CIT, R&I             Voice: +33 (0)1 69 63 18 34
Route de Nozay               Fax  : +33 (0)1 69 63 13 59
91460 Marcoussis             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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