> If Optimistic DAD doesn't allow for unicast responses to
> router solicitations, the potential for fast advertisement
> to such hosts is severely diminished.

So how could something work?

I'm assuming that somehow, perhaps using a token bucket filter
instead of a fix 1 every 3 seconds limit, we can accomplish faster
RA responses to RSes, but the DAD interactions are still perplexing.

Alternative 1:
The RS contains the tentative address as the source, but no source
link-layer address option (since that would override any link-layer
address recorded in the routers in the case of an address conflict).

Thus in order for the router to unicast the RA it needs to
perform a NS/NA exchange with the host. This is only done when the router
doesn't have a neighbor cache entry, and the resulting NA has override=0.
So this will never replace a cached link-layer address in the case of
a conflict. But the exchange is 4 packets instead of 2.

Alternative 2:
Why not conceptually define the override flag for the RS to accomplish
a 2 packet exchange?
A compatible way to do this is to define a new "tentative source link-layer
address option" which would only be used by the receiver if it doesn't
have a cached address i.e., would never override an existing address.
(As an aside, this could also be used for NS packets.)


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