On 2004-06-03, Greg Daley wrote:
> RFC2461's Section 7.2.3 describes the router's own recovery from
> this incorrect state, by sending subsequent router or neigbour
> advertisements.
> Considering that the device doing optimistic DAD which erroneously
> causes the IsRouter flag to be unset has already sent a DAD NS to the
> address owner (in this case the router), the router will schedule an
> NA to all-nodes within a second of this NS's reception.

Aha!  The draft suggests an RA will reset it, but on rereading it
I realized this was wrong.  Seems like the NA will fix the problem ...

> Please also be aware there is no issue for default router selection
> on hosts, (which is what the IsRouter flag is for) since they never
> receive the RS in the first place.

... insofar as it is a problem in the first place.  Anyone know
of a situation in which a temporary toggling of the IsRouter bit
_on another router_ will affect anything?  Alternately, we could
consider that last clause of 2461 6.2.6 to be a bug (why _shouldn't_
a router send a RS if it wants to?) and this whole thing a rare
enough case to not worry about.

In that case I think I'll correct the text and make it clearer,
leaving the option to send with a source address but no SLLAO
in there for these hurried types.

It doesn't solve the 'four signals' problem (RS - NS - NA - RA), but
improving the RS/RA exchange is beyond the scope of this particular
draft I feel.

Nick 'Sharkey' Moore  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://zoic.org/sharkey/>
"World Domination Through Enhanced Shareholder Value!"

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