>>>>> On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 04:05:06 -0400, 
>>>>> "Soliman Hesham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> So I added one sentence to the description of the prefix
> length. The text now reads:

>    Prefix Length  8-bit unsigned integer.  The number of leading bits
>                   in the Prefix that are valid.  The value ranges
>                   from 0 to 128. This field allows for variable 
>                   length prefixes to be advertised (e.g. prefixes 
>                   starting with 000).

> I didn't want to make it sound like 000 were the only 
> prefixes that can have variable lengths, given that 
> ADDRARCH is still a PS and this being a controversial part
> of that RFC. 

The above text seems to assume that the "Prefix Length" in terms of
RFC2461 (and its bis) is somehow tied with the address architecture...

Again, I'd still like to see a consensus on the assumption itself.

According to comments from Erik, who is a co-author of the original
RFC2461, I guess the original intention is to not tie the prefix
length with the address architecture.

Then the next step should be to discuss whether the original intention
makes sense or not.  At least Erik seems to think it still makes
sense.  And I tend to agree with him, too.

Of course, others may have different opinions, and so it's probably
too early to make a concrete suggestion.  But, for what it's worth,
I'd rather suggest, assuming we agree the original intention makes
sense, that rfc2461bis clarify that

- a prefix for on-link determination is irrelevant to the address
  architecture, particularly for the purpose of stateless address
- thus the prefix length can be an arbitrary number between 0 and 128

(with this approach, we won't have to be bothered with a particular
hard-coded leading bits like "000")

                                        JINMEI, Tatuya
                                        Communication Platform Lab.
                                        Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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