(Forgive me for the late comment, too)

>>>>> On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 21:30:19 -0400, 
>>>>> "Soliman Hesham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>> as the Subject; line of the email says, once you define 
>> host/router
>> be per-interface thing, you will need to describe 
>> router behavior for
>> every possible combination of mixture of interface.  i 
>> still think
>> we did not finish describing simple all-host-interface 
>> behavior nor 
>> all-router-interface-without-virtual-router behavior, i strongly
>> object to the change.

> => ok I don't see that need to describe forwarding between 
> interfaces in 2461bis. I also prefer to make a clear definition
> than leave it empty. I'll let others say what they think
> before I keep or remove the text.

> I don't think there is a doc that describes a host/router
> for v4 or v6. I find it difficult to see the reason for such
> doc.

I tend to agree with itojun in that it is not so trivial to define the
"mixed host/router behavior".

We have once discussed related points in the context of rfc2462bis.
See, for example, the following messages:


As pointed out in msg01521.html, the notion of "the per-interface
router" has not been well defined.  RFC2460 talks about something on
this, but it's still not clear whether a "mixed router" can
*forward-to* a host-side interface (see msg01525.html).  Perhaps the
clear definition itself is not in the scope of rfc2461bis, but I don't
think it makes sense to discuss how the mixed behavior is configured
in rfc2461bis (e.g., with the "IsRouter" variable Hesham proposed)
before clarifying the definition.

Regarding rfc2461bis, if we allow the mixed behavior, we also need to
clarify (at least) some other things that include:

- whether a mixed node can receive an RA on a "host" interface to
  configure a default router list
- if it can, how the configured default route interacts (or does not
  interact) with other routes used for forwarding on "router"
- whether a mixed node can receive an ND redirect on a "host"
  interface to adjust the route to a particular destination
- if it can, how the adjusted route interacts (or does not
  interact) with other routes used for forwarding on "router"

Considering the lack of the base definition of the "mixed behavior"
and the complexity of the additional clarifications, I'd rather
concentrate on "all host" or "all router" nodes in rfc2461bis.  And
for that matter, I reached the same conclusion in rfc2462bis and
edited the 02 version that way (after confirming the decision on the

Meanwhile, if we concentrate on the "simple" cases, I think we need to
clarify one thing.  RFC2461 has the notion of "advertising
interfaces".  An advertising interface is to control whether to send
router advertisement, and is, of course, defined per-interface basis.
It seems to me the existence of this notion is one source of the
confusion on whether the ND specification allows the mixed behavior or
not.  So, (if we concentrate on the "simple" cases), I think we should
emphasize that even if an interface is not an advertising interface
the node still acts as a router on that interface (e.g., it can
forward from/to that interface, exchange routing information on that
interface, etc).

One last point: I hear that some implementations explicitly support
the "mixed behavior" (perhaps the Windows implementation?).  We may
(or may not) need to care about those existing implementations to edit
wording for rfc2461bis (at least we will not want to "invalidate"
those by this revise work).

                                        JINMEI, Tatuya
                                        Communication Platform Lab.
                                        Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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