3) Separate from 2), are there any areas where the RIRs think some
    changes might be useful to consider, based on their experiences and
    perspectives? E.g., are there particular operational concerns?  Is
    the document overly prescriptive in ways that don't necessarily
    seem helpful? Are their potential issues that this document doesn't
    address (or doesn't speak enough to) that warrant additional
    thinking/discussion?  I think it would be useful to discuss these
    (with the WG), as they may be willing to revise some of the wording
    accordingly. (i.e., although the WG has asked the IESG to consider
    the document, do not take that as meaning additional input would
    not be welcome or that the document is unchangeable at this point).

A number of aspects of this address space have the potential to raise issues:

     - the 'nature' of the distribution function for this part of the
       IPv6 address appears to be an allocation to be undertaken in
       perpetuity. It is possible to interpret this allocation in terms
       comparable to some form of 'freehold property' given that the
       self-allocation via the central registry gives the entity
       exclusive unqualified right of access without any form of
       expiration or renewal of the original allocation.

       Current RIR allocations of unicast public address space are
       undertaken under conditions that are consistent with a non-
       assignable lease.

       It may be that this issue of assignments performed in perpetuity
       vs fixed period renewable assignments should be a matter of
       choice by the client as the time of assignment, and that charge
       applicable to this service reflect the different cost structure
       of secure maintenance of assignment records for a fixed period vs
       costs for this record maintenance to be undertaken in perpetuity.

     - it is unclear whether the privacy of the assignee is intended to
       absolute or under what circumstances the central registry
       operator would divulge this information and to whom.  It was
       noted that all information held by the RIR is not covered by any
       binding privilege. It is the case that such RIR-held information
       is discoverable by others using legal means under certain
       circumstances. Open questions include, but may well not be
       limited to:

         Would anyone be able to ask whether a specific prefix was
         allocated or not?

         Would a holder be able to 'recover' their prefix from the

         Could a holder request the registry to expose their holding to
         a specific third party?

         Could the privacy requirement be changed at a later date?

         Would any future changes to the privacy requirement (or any
         other characteristics of these addresses) be a policy matter to
         be determined within the addressing community, or would any
         changes to the characteristics of this space remain solely
         within the purview of the IETF?

    - Permanence of allocation. Should there be a capability for an
      assignee to voluntarily return an allocation? How can the assignee
      and the returnee be matched? If the allocation is not public
      knowledge how can a return be effected? Should these allocations
      be permanent or of some fixed term with a periodic renewal option?

    - Distribution functions. Should there be some form of 'wholesale'
      form of bulk access to this registry, to allow, for example, a
      manufacturer to place pre-registered prefixes into manufacture
      devices?  If not, could this form of use of the central registry
      services be supported using mechanisms described in the current

    - Associated information and pointers. The draft is silent on
      reverse DNS for these prefixes.  Perhaps the final version of this
      document could explicitly say that this requires private DNS (two-
      faced DNS) deployment and that placing these prefixes in the
      ip6.arpa zone is not to be supported. Or should such reverse DNS
      delegation be allowed? After all these global IDs are unique and
      in and of itself putting them in the public DNS is not going to
      harm the DNS.  Of course the random nature of these assignments
      has the potential to, over time, create an extremely large flat
      DNS zone. This may have implications in terms of signing the zone
      with DNSSEC of course. Some guidance from the IETF on the
      preferred approach of populating the DNS reverse zones would be
      preferred, if reverse DNS is to be supported for these addresses.
      If this reverse DNS is to be allowed, does this compromise the
      private nature of the assignment?

      The draft is also silent on WHOIS entries. It appears that there
      is an implicit privacy assumption which precludes inclusion
      in the WHOIS databases, but an explicit statement to this
      effect in a final version of this document would be preferred. It
      is probable that inclusion in the public DNS, whois information
      and the privacy of these assignments are related matters.

    - Routability of these prefixes. The RIRs mintain that they take no
      position on the routeability of prefixes that they assign. It
      would appear that this position extends to any central-registry
      managed site local prefix. It may be that the IESG is also silent
      on routeability of these prefixes as this is more a business/
      operational issue that a standards-based issue.

      It is noted however that while assigned address space may or may
      not be routable, the registration of assignments within a WHOIS
      database is guaranteed.  If prefixes assigned under this policy
      are routable yet not registered, then that assumption may no
      longer be valid. In this case, there are impacts on a variety of
      common policies and approaches to operational stability and
      security, which should be understood.

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