On 2004-08-03, JINMEI Tatuya / [EMAIL PROTECTED]@C#:H wrote:
> If the unsolicited NAs as a signal did not cause any bad effect on
> existing implementation, I'd also call that "interoperable" solution.
> But they actually do cause a bad effect of increasing the odds of
> disruption

... in a case so rare that users should be more concerned about
being struck by lightning and/or asteroids.

> On the other hand, the new ND option is really an "interoperable"
> solution, since existing unmodified routers simply ignore the new
> option (see, e.g., Section 6.1.1 of RFC2461) and this does not have
> any bad effect on existing implementations.

I guess there's "interoperable" and "interoperable".  OptiDAD is
interoperable with unmodified routers in that it actually works with
them.  This isn't the case for a new ND option.

I actually quite like the new ND option alternative, it has the
potential to get things done with less signalling overhead.  But the aim
of OptiDAD is to work with unmodified equipment, so that your OptiDAD
capable MN will work with every Starbucks AR.

Anyway, perhaps we can meet and discuss before the session.
I'm presenting in MobOpts right now, I don't know what you look
like so if you see me around (Monash t-shirt) say hello!
I'd also be interested in other opinions ... somehow we've
got to reach a rough consensus on this (we've already got 
running code ...)


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