On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Alex Conta wrote:
> There is no doubt that setting ICMP rate limiting per node in a router 
> with both slow and fast interfaces to accomodate one interface may be 
> very detrimental to the other: imagine T1 and 1Gbit Ethernet interfaces; 
> 1% of a T1s 1.5Mbit/sec is 15kbit/sec, which is 0.00000015% of a 
> 1Gbit/sec, and 1% of a 1Gbit/Sec is 10Mbit/sec, way over 1.5Mbit/sec.

You may have an assumption that the rate-limiting would have to be a
percentage of the interface speed.  That's (IMHO) a bad strategy,
exactly why you describe: it doesn't handle fast/slow interfaces
appropriately. (However, you could limit the upper bound for token
bucket based on the interface speed, I guess.)

The point we tried to make in the ICMP spec revision is that using a
token-bucket rate-limiter is a good idea, because even if you have a
refill rate of even so low as 10 packets/second (or the like), that
should always be sufficient even on faster links, but not cause
significant problems on slower links.

> Essentially, I was looking for something like the references I am 
> mentioning below. These references provide examples of rate limiting 
> ICMP per interface in LINUX systems, as well as CISCO routers, 
> supposedly in relationship to traffic managament.

OK.  (I snipped the examples.)  These are the ways to perform manual
rate-limiting (in more general).  For the two platforms I mentioned,
for ICMP only, it's automatically enabled and controllable through
net.ipvX.icmp_ratelimit sysctl's.  For xxxBSD, that's
net.inet.icmp.icmplim.  By default, they start rate-limiting at 100 or
200 pps AFAIR.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

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