
I am writing my diploma thesis in information engineering at the
university of applied sciences in Cologne. One of the subjects of my
thesis is to develop an IPv6 address format which provides geographical
localisation capabilities to VoIP and other applications. 

A localisation seems to be necessary for the Internet, otherwise so many
people would not work on a localisation for Internet users
(geopriv,ecrit, etc.). In my opinion it would be necessary to assign a
user to an area code (or to an emergency call centre.)

As the IPv6 addresses have enough space to map an area code, I don't
understand why it is never be implemented. In my opinion the 64 bits
interface ID is too long. If stateful autoconfiguration, static
addresses or the privacy extension are used, it is not possible to get
the MAC-address of the interface through the interface ID. A duplicate
address detection is still necessary. So it would be possible to reduce
the interface ID to clear space for the area code.

Wouldn't it be the easiest way to map a reliable area code which is
validated by the provider? 
Also Nomadic users could be located through their care of address.

Thanks for comments,

Achim Marikar 

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