> The chairs would like to make everyone aware of the following draft:
> draft-huston-ip6-iana-registry-01.txt
> The draft sets forth some proposals for updating the IANA registry
> for IPv6 addresses.  Currently, the registry does not align with
> the existing IPv4 address registry or RFC 3513.  The authors request
> community review and comments.

Minor comment: it would be nice if the first table used a notation like
"0000::/8", "0800::/6" instead of the abbreviated notation (0::/8). This
would make the map easier to grasp.

Major comment: I can foresee several occasions where the IETF will want
to allocate an unicast address prefix for a specific purpose. Some are
fairly large event, allocating a large block, e.g. a /16 for 6to4, a /7
for ULA. The current registry management is adequate for these large
allocations. But 
some are very small events, allocating a /32 (e.g. for Teredo) or maybe
a /48 (e.g. for various special services). Which part of the registry
will we use for these small allocations? What is the procedure?

-- Christian Huitema

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