On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 23:25 -0500, Bound, Jim wrote:
> I am not going to dive in here and increase my responses on this thread
> and eat up my limited messages I will bombard this list with ok,
> supporting the mail model less mail is better and keeping low on Rob's
> messages list each week.

Better waste less bandwidth with the above and send a bit more
messages ;)

>   But, besides v4mapped being widely deployed on
> "vendor" "production" shipping code bases, used today by applications,

Please name these 'vendor's and 'applications' I am quite sure if you
ask them that they think it should be removed if they have made to try
the code run on more than a single platform.

> believe v4mapped is a very useful and elegant solution for application
> providers to provide a common binary v4+v6 solution as an option
> "technically" and superior to not using it.

Please look at the Apache2 APR code which demonstrates how 'elegant'
this solution is because it is not default.

>   I emphatically disagree
> with Itojun, cmetz, et al referenced and we had this debate many years
> ago, then again had the debate, and that view lost and we should not
> revisit it again.

You mean some people shoved the arguments away without having any
background in the subject?

> No one has to implement a port to IPv6 or a new
> application with v4mapped addresses.  It is merely an option that is
> available to a programmer and upto them and it is available on
> production platforms today.

The production platforms mostly use KAME stacks, the other is Windows.
Guess what both of these platform don't have, at least turned on per
default: ipv4-mapped.

Please name the platforms you call 'production'.

> Mark Andrews point is quite valid and that is the responsibility of each
> implementation to document their use of v4mapped, and out of scope for
> the IETF as that is an implementation manner.  Whether it is useful to
> document various behaviors (INFO, BCP) is not clear to me that is
> necesary and see UNIX Network Programming Volume I Third Edition. 

Which nicely mentions the use of getaddrinfo() and separately doing ::
and with IPV6_ONLY sockets because of the inherit issues
mentioned by Itojun.


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