Christian Weisgerber wrote:
Jeroen Massar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think that at least all the BSD's and most Linuxes are using this.
They allow binding on :: (IPv6 any) and also accept IPv4 connections on
the same socket,

OpenBSD doesn't allow this.  FreeBSD and NetBSD don't by default, but
it can be enabled there.

OpenBSD doesn't allow it? An application can't even explicitly set IPV6_BINDV6ONLY to false? That is simply broken in my opinion.

Forcing a server to do a select after accept when the developer has already gone to the trouble of dealing with multiple address families using the available address macros is not right. I realize there are security concerns involved, but there are also performance concerns. Lets not force additional system calls when they are not needed! I'm all for warning developers about the possible problems, but I see no reason to limit the functionality.

Note that this argument is for mapped addresses, I don't see the same reason to keep compatible addresses.


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