On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 11:18:41AM -0500, Margaret Wasserman wrote:
> Reverse (address-to-name) queries for IPv6 Local  addresses must
> not be sent to name servers for the global DNS, due to the load that such
> queries would create for the authoritative name servers for the
> ip6.arpa zone.  This form of query load is not specific to Local IPv6
> addresses; any current form of local addressing creates additional
> load of this kind, due to reverse queries leaking out of the site.  However,
> since allowing such queries to escape from the site serves
> no useful purpose, there is no good reason to make the existing
> load problems worse.

I haven't thought of this before, but I suppose there might be a
similar problem for link-local addresses. As you say, it's any local
addressing. I suppose the number of lookups for link-local is small
compared to what we'll have for ULA though.


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