On Tue, 22 Mar 2005, Bob Hinden wrote:

> Here is what I hope is the final text that specifies the deprecation of the
> "IPv4-compatible IPv6 address".  Included below are the revised sections
> "IPv6 Addresses with Embedded IPv4 Addresses" and "IANA Consideration".
> Please review.  I hope to submit an update draft tomorrow.

> IPv4-Compatible IPv6 Address

>     The "IPv4-compatible IPv6 address" is now deprecated because the
>     current IPv6 transition mechanisms no longer use them.  New or
>     updated implementations are not required to support this address
>     type.  Existing implementations and deployments may continue to use
>     these addresses.

Can we just drop that last sentence altogether as it seems somewhat
contrary to the rest of the paragraph?

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