>The essential point is, at least to me, is that we did not want to
>force applications (like URI/URL parsers) to be aware of scope zones
>and/or the dedicated syntax for scoped addresses.

My reading was that we don't want applications to have to examine an
arbitrary address and decide whether or not they have to deal with
it specially.  Since this format is unique and is only used for scoped
addresses, the application doesn't have to decide based on the address -
it's already been told based on the URI format.

>-in my understanding, one major reason [that people were enthusiastic
>about killing site-local] was they did not want to force applications
>to know details about scopes and/or zones for behaving correctly.

This was at least partly about having to derive the information from
the address; I think that communicating the fact that a zone is
present seperately from the address at least partly alleviates these


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