>>>>>> On Sun, 3 Apr 2005 11:17:17 -0800, 
>>>>>> Bill Fenner <fenner@research.att.com> said:
>> Since this format is unique and is only used for scoped
>> addresses, the application doesn't have to decide based on the address -
>> it's already been told based on the URI format.
>I guess I don't understand the latter sentence...
>- what is "this format"? (perhaps it's "fe80::1(some delimiter)de0"
>  for URI)

It's [v6.fe800:1(some delimiter)de0].

>- what do you mean by unique?

I mean the [v6. ... ] part is different from any other URI format.

>- what do you mean by "it's already been told based on the URI format"?

I mean that the application knows based on the fact that the
URI that it's parsing has [v6. (something) ] - it knows that
the (something) is an address with a scope zone.

>I also seem to fail to understand this sentence...what do you mean by
>"the fact that a zone is present separately from the address"?

It's the communication that is separate from the address; the same
point as above.


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