On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 02:46:10PM -0700, Arun Thulasi wrote:
> Hello All,
> This is a request to review and comment on the internet draft available 
> at 
> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-arunt-ipv6-multicast-filtering-rules-00.txt
> The draft is written to explain a set of behaviors in IPv6 multicasting 
> scenarios. Since the behavior seemed to vary on different 
> implementations, this draft specifies both the behaviors and puts forth 
> one of them as preferred.
> Do look into the draft and offer your comments.

The behaviour described in 5.2 pretty much matches what I would expect.
However, you don't say anything about SSM or the RFC 3678 source filering

I would like to see the stack doing filtering if necessary, so that when
a host joins specific sources (include mode) other packets reaching the
host from other sources would not be delivered to the application. And
also when in exclude mode, excluding specific sources, the stack should
filter in my opinion.

In my opinion, the filtering should at least be done so that an
application doesn't receive from unwanted sources on the socket where
the filter is applied. If the same application or another, creates
another socket and binds to the right port and wildcard address or the
group address, then I think the best might be to deliver the packets.


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