(cc'ing the dhcwg list)

>>>>> On Fri, 20 May 2005 13:24:26 -0400, 
>>>>> Thomas Narten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Stepping up a level (and this also reflects my thinking after a
> private exchange with Ralph/Bernie - but not necessarily their
> thinking!)...

> I think the M/O bits (in retrospect) have turned out to be more
> trouble than they are worth. Indeed, they seem to be mostly just
> confusing. Thus, maybe we should work towards removing them
> completely.

As a meta thought, I cannot agree more.  In fact, the points you
showed are (almost) exactly what I wanted to make when we first
discussed the M/O flags issue in the rfc2462bis work (but you seem to
express the points much better than I did).

We actually once considered this option, whereas we didn't see some of
the relevant points we now know.  See, for example, a very long
thread a year ago:


As you can see in the thread archive, there was a strong push-back
against the idea of removing these flags (while some others supported
the idea).  Then we finally decided to not remove the flags after a
heated discussion.  So, I'm wondering whether we can now really
convince those who opposed to the idea.

One additional meta note: even if we now decide to remove the flags,
it wouldn't affect rfc2462bis, since it does not mention the flags at
all.  However, the decision would require a non-trivial (while not so
big) change to rfc2461bis, which contains these flags in the RA
message format and a brief description of these flags.

                                        JINMEI, Tatuya
                                        Communication Platform Lab.
                                        Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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