
Thanks for doing this and this permits us to discuss it simply :--).
Response on your matrix via my interpretation as implementer, no comment
on your needs and appreciate you sharing that here big time, I find it
very useful.  Thanks.

> There are nine scenarios, right?
> 1) RA w/auto-conf, M off, O off

Stateful is not being requested by the site or admin.  No requirement to
use it.

> 2) RA w/auto-conf, M on, O off

use stateful and other configurations available.

> 3) RA w/auto-conf, M off, O on

use other configurations only.
> 4) RA w/auto-conf, M on, O on

Same as #2 is my view.

> 5) RA w/o auto-conf, M off, O off
> 6) RA w/o auto-conf, M on, O off
> 7) RA w/o auto-conf, M off, O on
> 8) RA w/o auto-conf, M on, O on

My read is if auto-conf off then these bits are invalid and stateless is

> 9) No RA

Your lost and not connected have it your way :--)  Use link-local :--)


> >From a cable deployment perspective, I would expect...
> 1) CM stateless auto-conf from advertised route(s)
> 2) CM stateless auto-conf from advertised route(s) plus DHCPv6 for
> additional address(es)
> 3) CM stateless auto-conf from advertised route(s) plus DHCPv6 for
> addition info
> 4) CM stateless auto-conf from advertised route(s) plus DHCPv6 for
> additional address(es) and additional info
> 5) same behavior as #9 below ?
> 6) DHCPv6 for address(es) only
> 7) DHCPv6 for additional info only
> 8) DHCPv6 for address(es) and additional info
> 9) CM stateless auto-conf link local address followed by DHCPv6 for
> additional address(es) and/or other info (same behavior as #5)
> This seems way to complicated though, and it would be much more
> deterministic for a CM to simply do #4 in all cases which 
> would make the
> M/O bits useless.
> -ron
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