> We need to agree on requirements before we try to engineer solutions.
> Here is what I've heard as requirements:
> 1) Ability to indicate to a host "DHCP is not available on this link",
>    with the expectation that the host won't send any DHCP messages
> 2) Ability for a host to get all desired and available DHCP
>    configuration with a single DHCP message exchange
>    - if a host wants HCB, it sends an HCB request (Solicit) 
> and receives
>      HCB and/or ICB replies
>    - if a host wants ICB, it sends an ICB request 
> (Information-request) 
>      and receives ICB replies

I agree.

> 1 is a requirement in scenarios with limited resources (e.g., 
> wireless), 

add e.g. wireless, admin does not want stateful)  This is important.
Many here beleive that stateful should never be used other than for

> where polling for DHCP is unacceptable.  

2 is a requirement to avoid
> timeout delays or other complexity in getting ICB reply when 
> host would
> prefer HCB reply.

Problem is what controls if addresses are permitted to be requested?  

I liked my layout of the problems better :--)

> Comments?
> - Ralph
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> dhcwg mailing list
> dhcwg@ietf.org
> https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/dhcwg

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