On Wed, 2005-06-01 at 11:29, Soliman, Hesham wrote:
>  > It would be better than what's there now, but ideally, the 
>  > text should
>  > just be removed entirely.  
>    Doing address resolution on multiple links
>  > can lead to ambiguous results.  There could be multiple destinations
>  > responding to the same address, and you don't know which one you're
>  > talking to.  This hasn't been studied enough to even be 
>  > mentioned. 
> => Agreed. That's why it's in an appendix. Anyway, if no one has a problem
> with removing this text I'm fine with removing it. 

I agree that it should be removed.  It seems completely out of place
given that the on-link assumption has been removed from the


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