At 01:58 p.m. 07/07/2005, Bob Hinden wrote:

There is a thread on /. about this today as well. I think most of this is old news. The new ICMPv6 update that is being worked on has a major revision to the Security Considerations section that should cover these issues. If I remember correctly, the work in V6OPS that the article refers to was fed into the new ICMPv6 draft.

As far as I understand, PMTUD is mandatory for IPv6. The current specifications make it quite trivial to attack it.

Think about an attacker exploiting these vulnerabilities to attack a BGP router.

While these problems have been known, the existing specifications don't recommend any validation checks on the received ICMP error messages.

Checking the TCP SEQ number does its job. However, it puts you in the same position as for the "Slipping in the window" attacks raised last year. The more complete PMTUD fix described in protects you from attack, regardless of whether the attacker is able to hit you "in the window" or not.

The news with this work is not the vulnerabilities, but the fixes, and the raise of awareness in the community.

Have a look at NISCC's and CERT/CC's vulnerability reports, and see the large number of systems affected.

Kindest regards,

Fernando Gont

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