
 | > Even if each of these ASPs uses ULA, address selection problem
 | > occurs once one of them has a peering with another site or
 | > once one of them acquires another ULA block.
 | My fundamental question here is why such closed networks need global
 | IPv6 addresses (or even any IPv6 addresses) in the first place.
 | Whether it's a VPN site or a closed ASP, doesn't it suffice to simply
 | use private IPv4 addresses?  If I were a network administrator, who is
 | inherently conservative, I'd not take a risk of introducing
 | possibly-unstable/immatured IPv6 equipments for purposes in which I
 | don't need global connectivity.

There may be some reasons to use global IPv6 address in closed
networks. The reasons are: there will be some possibilities to connect
multiple 'closed' networks with each other, to have private connection
with other gloabl IPv6 network, to avoid confliction with users ULA
address, and so on.

And acutually, Registries allow to use gloabl IPv6 address in closed
networks, and some organizations got IPv6 gloabl address and have been
using them in their closed network.

So, "case 4, global and closed mixed conectivity"
(http://www.nttv6.net/dass/#content_1_17) is not the artificial case,
but the case we've been facing now. And I believe these kind of
connectivities will increase as IPv6 deployment progresses.

Tomohiro Fujisaki

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